Do NOT miss out on this fantastic investment opportunity! Have you wanted to sail the high seas? Hunt for treasure at the bottom of the ocean? Spend a weekend relaxing on the water? Well now you can!
This 25 foot cutter has a state of the art polyethylene hull that has only suffered MINOR proximity mine damage! You’ll rest easy knowing your future vessel can take a beating from military-grade, high temperature corrosive gas in addition to withstand the gentle caress of the ocean’s waves. Concerned that large sails might block your scenic view? Worry not! This boat’s sails are riddled with viewing ports* so your view is NEVER obscured! Tired of the same boring sailboat colors? Then this boat’s beautiful black charred finish** is just for you! Not convinced a sailboat is a fantastic investment opportunity? Think again. Underwater treasure. Robbery in international waters. Mending your broken relationship with your son with a project you can work on together. The list goes on. Act now before someone smarter than you seizes another opportunity right out from under your nose. Call now! Our number is 555-SAILS.
*Damage from grappling hook
**It’s really charred
*Damage from grappling hook
**It’s really charred